About NAIFA:
The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors comprises more than 700 state and local associations representing the interests of 200,000 members and their associates nationwide. NAIFA members focus their practices on one or more of the following: life insurance and annuities, health insurance and employee benefits, multiline, and financial advising and investments. NAIFA-Jacksonville, founded in 1926, is the local association and serves the members located in the Northeast Florida area of the state with about 400 members.
Security America's Financial Future
Mission Statement:
NAIFA-Jacksonville’s mission is to advocate for a positive legislative and regulatory environment, enhance business and professional skills, and promote the ethical conduct of its members.
Vision Statement:
“Our Association is the premier organization of influence whose actions contribute to our local communities’ needs and desires of financial independence and security. Our planning also contributes tremendously to Northeast Florida’s economic growth and better quality of life for all of our clients and their families.
Declaration of Community Values:
We believe in family. We believe in American enterprise. We represent thoughtful and intelligent people that care about their families. As Agents and Representatives of this great industry through our commitment to our local Association, we see in the future resourcefulness for all of our Members and Companies. We have given to life insurance our confidence; let us all give it now our professionalism, our committed focus, and most of all, our hearts.
NAIFA Tagline:
"Gaining Members to have our voices heard in Tallahassee and Washington"
Read "Voices from the Field" (PDF)